Desirée Jaks and Janni Berndt Dahl Recognized as Significant Women in Stureplansgruppen

Last week, during International Women’s Day, the Stureplan Group published an article celebrating the women who drive the group forward and ensure its operation. Our former creative director, Desirée Jaks, was naturally mentioned. She was recognized for her strong commitment to gender equality in the industry and her victory in the Chef of the Year 2023 competition.

Our restaurant manager and head sommelier, Janni Berndt Dahl, was also rightfully highlighted for her involvement as the chairperson of the Swedish Sommelier Association and her outstanding work at Spesso.

A big thank you Stureplansgruppen!

Feel free to read about all the women who are being recognized here!

Drink at Spesso Listed by Stureplansgruppen


Stureplansgruppen has featured signature cocktails in Sweden, and our delightful Rhubarb/Basil is included, offering a rich taste experience that delivers both high flavors and a refreshing sensation. The cocktail is made with Beefeater gin, Cucielo vermouth, rhubarb, basil, and verjus..

Read the full list of signature drinks here

Falstaff Top 100


The venerable Falstaff from Germany has been around since the 1980s and has since been a respected source for everything about wine and food. Their international edition, Falstaff International, is read by hundreds of thousands, and through Falstaff Sweden, they have now published a list of the top hundred restaurants in Sweden.

We at Spesso work hard to maintain the consistent quality we aim to deliver, and being recognized by Falstaff as one of Sweden’s top hundred restaurants is incredibly fun for us. A huge thank you to Falstaff!

Read more.

Valentine’s Day at Spesso


Our lovely penthouse restaurant is available to celebrate Valentine’s Day, either for lunch or dinner. We will offer our regular menu and be prepared to provide our usual high standard of service. Spesso is an excellent choice for a romantic dinner for two or for gathering the single friends for a pleasant dinner in the name of love.

Feel free to book now!

Linjekock Del 4 – Gör din egen lammkorv


Detta avsnitt är ren glädje för sanna entusiaster av korv, individer som delar ett av Viggo Cavlings största intresseområden. Gruppen leds av den före detta chefen för TV4, Jan Scherman, som idag av många anses vara Sveriges mest framstående expert inom korv. Desirée Jaks, vår gastronomiska ledare tar än en gång på sig att agera Viggos mentor i detta avsnitt. Desirées passion för pistagenötter och rosmarin genomsyrar hennes specialkomponerade korvrätt hon lär herr Cavring. Denna delikata rätt inkluderar en kombination av fläsk- och lammfärs, tillsammans med fint malen späck. En fröjd för smaklökarna.

Se hela avsnittet här!

Vinguiden Del 3 – Vin till Stek


Passande vin till en välsmakande biff. Vår egen Janni Berndt Dahl återvänder, sommelierchef och restaurangchef på Spesso, samt ordförande för svenska Sommelier-föreningen. I detta avsnitt erbjuder Janni sin vägledning om vilken dryck som kompletterar en entrecote bäst. Oljigt, saftigt och smakfullt kött öppnar upp för två alternativ: antingen viner med tanniner eller med fruktig karaktär. Janni har expertisen för att guida dig mot det perfekta vinet. Dessutom utforskar vi aktuella trender och framtida perspektiv inom vinvärlden.

Se hela avsnittet här!

Wine Guide part 2 – wine for steak tartare


Once again, our Head Sommelier, Janni Berndt Dahl, is here to teach Viggo Cavring how to pair wine with steak tartare. Line Cook aims to have the host, Viggo Cavring, learn to stand tall as a line cook within a hundred days. He has us at Spesso, among others, helping him become a cook in the end.

Read more and watch all episodes here!

“Linjekock” Part 2 – Steak Tartare with Turnip Shavings


In part two, Desirée will try to teach Viggo how to make steak tartare with a number of vegetables incorporated into the dish. Our creative chef initially believes this will go better than with lobster ravioli, but we’ll have to wait and see!”

See the whole episode here!

“Linjekock” – The wine guide with head sommelier Janni Berndt Dahl


Next in line to try to school Viggo Cavling in the deep knowledge of the restaurant is our own head sommelier Janni. In this episode, she teaches how to work and think when pairing wine, and what to best pair our lobster ravioli with.

Watch the full episode here!

“Linjekock” with Desirée Jaks


Linecook is a series where Viggo Cavling will try to become a linecook in a professional kitchen in 100 days, and we welcomed him to Spesso! There, our creative director Desirée Jaks tries to teach him how to make Spesso’s acclaimed lobster ravioli and it works… well, it works so so. This is the first episode of season two, and a little later in the week our head sommelier Janni Berndt Dahl will also teach him a little about wine and which wine goes best with the pasta dish.

See the whole video here!



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